Friday, October 24, 2008

SEO, Why you have to use it

Why do we have to use SEO on our web browsing? Now a days most of our research are done with the use of the internet, more of the information is already display and distributed by the use of the internet. SEO is one of the technique use by the developers to speed up the search Engine sites this helps us to browse and search the web easily and comfortable. Before developers uses this thing called page ranking this process is somewhat not very reliable for its function is to determine the most visited sites on the net the more the site is being view the more the site become searchable. With the use if SEO even if the site is never been view as long as it is related to the data to be search then the site will appear. Developers made some changes on the on the website improve some HTML codes and edit some of the its content. At present developers are continuing to improve the power SEO to bring satisfaction to the people.